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A glimpse into the future of autonomous driving

What technological and legal prerequisites must be fulfilled or must first be established? What can (and must) the automotive and supplier industries do now to set the course for the future – a future that belongs to autonomous driving?

This NTT DATA white paper provides answers to these questions. Our company has had a clear focus on innovative IT solutions for the automotive industry for over half a century. In three scenarios for 2020, 2050, and 2060, we have outlined a series of changes that autonomous driving will entail – for the driver as well as the automotive and supplier industry. We are also focusing on key points such as the complete remodelling of the passenger compartment, the increasing importance of car-sharing, and fundamental changes in aftersales. In addition to the three future scenarios, we will address the fundamental elements of autonomous driving in terms of technology, safety, and legislation.

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NTT DATA dá início a uma nova era

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NTT DATA dá início a uma nova era

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Why You Can’t afford to ignore IoT

A glimpse into the future of autonomous driving

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NTT DATA dá início a uma nova era

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NTT DATA dá início a uma nova era

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NTT DATA dá início a uma nova era

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Case Studies

Telecommunications case study

The world grows more connected each day, and the internet of things (IoT) plays a leading role in this changing landscape. At NTT DATA Services, we understand your need for an IoT infrastructure that will leverage existing assets and build lasting, engaging customer relationships. And at the same time,that infrastructure will boost productivity, lower your costs and allow for innovation.

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Christian Seider Engineer
Vice President Automotive at NTT DATA Germany

Vice President Automotive at NTT DATA Germany and is responsible for the business with automotive suppliers.

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Christian Seider Engineer
Vice President Automotive at NTT DATA Germany

Vice President Automotive at NTT DATA Germany and is responsible for the business with automotive suppliers.

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